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Where to start

A guide to the world and character creation

1. First, read our Rules and FAQ.


2. Read information under The World. There is a lot of information included in both the main page and the sub pages of this part of the website that will hopefully give you a good idea of the world we've created and if it might be of interest to you to play in it.


3. If it looks like you might want to write with us, continue onto Houses. Most characters are from the Great Houses, but you do have the option of making a lesser house using the template. We ask that you do not pick a magic race character as your first character, but wait until you know a little more about us and the world before making one.

  •  Magic race characters are currently capped, but you may buy one slot with our in server Merchant. ​​

  • You may also check out #wanted-characters to get an idea of what characters we are in search of.

  • Also check out the roster for taken characters and face claims.  And the #face-claims for face claims already claimed but not yet made into a character. There is an additional tab on the roster spreadsheet for NPCs.


4. Introduce yourself on #writer-introductions.  The pinned post has a template for you to use. Also visit #roles to select your self-assignable roles. You will need to return here if you add multiple characters to select their house, and have access to their OOC channel. 


5. The character application can be found here. Characters can be born in one house (their mother was in House Felis, for example) and be found to belong to another house (House Weaver for example). Please review the information under contracts, in specific age requirements for different houses, and what their tattoo might look like. 


6. If you have questions, feel free to put them in #questions, or if you prefer a private audience with the mods, feel free to start a ticket using the following command: -ticket open [reason].


7. Drop a face claim in #face-claims. If you are using a realistically drawn picture for your character, you may skip this step. 


8. Begin work on your character. 


9. Submit your character in #character-application-submission.  If the mods have a question or something they want to talk to you about, they will open up a ticket.  This does not mean you are in trouble!


10.  Once you have been approved, feel free to enter #bot-talk and register your tupper.  Tupper allows you to post with a prefix, and attach a new profile icon and a name for your character to their posts. Please see #texts-from-terra-dei for an example. If you need help, type tul!help for a list of commands you can use with the bot. 


11.  After setting up tupper, please also fill out your profile card with the following command: ,players edit. This gives us a general information for you.  Please use your nickname visible on the character list as the name of the card.  To see someone's profile card, type ,getplayers @nick. 


In server currency


Within the server, we have our own currency system that can be used to buy certain items (titles, vanity titles and colors, extra character slots, and magic character slots, etc) by doing things around the server and generally being active. For a full list of what you can do to earn coins, please visit #info. 

(One of the things you can earn coins for is sprints.  Squire Sprinty is our sprint bot, and it's basically a writing sprint, for a certain amount of time, and then you record your word count. Coins are earned for the time spent sprinting, as long as you include a word count.)


In the #shop, you can type !shop to learn what is for sale, and !role-income to learn the different income amounts for each role. 


Make sure if you have completed something on the list in #info, to request your coins in #coins. 


Gossip and Clues


We love some gossip around here.  Gossip can be true, or false, or have a bit of both. If you would like to submit gossip, please type /confess in the #submissions channel.  It will pop up a box for you to type your gossip into, and then it will be sent to the moderator team to approve it. 


In #clues, we have story clues.  These are clues related to the overarching plot of the game, and dependent upon a dice roll and where your character is and what they're doing.  To roll a dice, type /roll in channel.  When the menu pops up, select sides, and then enter 2.  A one is a critical failure, a two is a success, and Dragon will let you know what your character finds. It is up to you/your character if they should relay that information to anyone else. 


Monthly Round ups

Abbreviated updates on what happened per month by character. 


March 2022



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